The Appeals Commission

  • The Appeals
  • Central Grievance
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About Commission

Location Guidance General Service
For Appeal


2022. 01. 25.
When an applicant makes a request for a grievance review, the relevant government agency is obligated to submit a statement of answer, which must be sent to the applicant immediately by the Grievance Review in order to ensure the applicant’s right to defense

Not only professors, members of the legal profession, and certified labor attorneys but also medical experts can become a member of the General Grievance Review Commission as an expert from the private sector. This is to promote expertise in the grievance review process regarding transfers caused by illness
2021. 12. 09.
When a case involves revoking or changing severe disciplinary actions, at least two-thirds of the members present shall agree to revoke or change the decision, beginning from December 2021 (previously, such case can be agreed by the majority of the members present).
2017. 12. 29.
In order to enhance the fairness of the review, increase the number of non-standing members from four to seven.
2014. 11. 19.
In accordance with the revision of the Government Organization Act, the Appeals Review Commission of the Ministry of Security and Public Administration was renamed the Appeals Review Commission of the Ministry of Personnel Management.
1995. 01. 01.
The jurisdiction for handling appeals of local public officials (including those higher than Class Ⅴ) was transferred to the Local Appeals Review Commission.
1991. 05. 31.
Appeals Commission for Educators was established for reexamination of disciplinary actions against educators at schools (including those from national, public and private schools) as well as actions resulting from other unfavorable dispositions contrary to their intention.
1981. 04. 20.
Grounds for the settlement of grievances were newly established.
1978. 12. 05.
In addition to standing commission members, this system designated some positions for non-standing members.
1973. 02. 05.
The composition of the commission was increased to more than five and less than seven members including the chairperson. In practice, a commission composed of seven members is being maintained.
1963. 11. 1.
Local public officials of Class Ⅲ or higher (currently Class Ⅴ or higher) were included in the review.
1963. 04. 17
Under Article 9 of the State Public Officials Act (Act No. 1325), an Appeals Review Commission was established in the cabinet secretariat, comprised of seven members including a chairperson. To provide administrative support, an Appeals Review Division was also established.